Nishimura H, et al. Aburamycin, a new antibiotic. J. Antibiot. Ser. A 10: 205-211, 1957.
Skerman VB, et al. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 30: 225-420, 1980.
Shirling EB, Gottlieb D. Cooperative description of type cultures of Streptomyces. III. Additional species descriptions from first and second studies. Int J Syst Bacteriol 18: 279-392, 1968.
Nishimura H, et al. Aburamycin, a new antibiotic. J. Antibiot. Ser. A 10: 205-211, 1957.
Skerman VB, et al. Approved lists of bacterial names. Int J Syst Bacteriol 30: 225-420, 1980.
Shirling EB, Gottlieb D. Cooperative description of type cultures of Streptomyces. III. Additional species descriptions from first and second studies. Int J Syst Bacteriol 18: 279-392, 1968.