The insert contains the following restriction sites (nt positions according to the published sequence): PvuII--510, 2026; EcoRV--805; PstI--925, 1219, 1342; HindIII--1192; BamHI--1719. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--2.1, 2.0; HindIII--2.8, 1.4. Extends from nt 1 to nt 2153 of the published sequence, containing the complete coding region (nt 100 to nt 1401). The DNA-binding domain of the protein extends from aa 103 to aa 168 and the ligand-binding domain extends from aa 212 to aa 433. Detects a 4.8 kb mRNA expressed at a low level in some rat tissues. Distributed in aliquots of 1.25 ug (250 ng/ul). |