Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): XbaI--4.1, 3.3; PstI--5.3, 1.45, 0.6; SmaI--7.5; HindIII/NotI--4.1, 3.3; BamHI--7.5. The insert contains the following restriction sites (approximate kb from the 5' end): NsiI--0.02; SfiI--0.57; SmaI--1.14; PstI--0.46, 1.86; PvuII--0.09, 1.57, 1.95. Contains the complete coding sequence (nt 5-1411), with an extensive 3' untranslated region. The 3' end of the insert is adjacent to the HindIII and XbaI sites of the MCS; the 5' end of the insert is adjacent to the NotI and XbaI sites of the MCS. |