The insert includes the following restriction sites (nt positions according to the published sequence): AccI--3130, 3639; EcoRI--4019, 4138, 4723; BglII--4282, 4382. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): EcoRI--3.2, 1.0, 0.6; BamHI--4.8; BglII--4.8; PstI--4.8; AccI--3.2, 1.1, 0.5. Extends from approximately nt 3125 to the natural EcoRI site at 4723. The 5' EcoRI site is from the linker. The open reading frame extends from nt 207 to nt 7247. There is approximately 1 kb of 3' untranslated sequence which has not been fully characterized. Subcloned from lambdagt10SII.42. |