Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): XbaI/ClaI--3.55, 3.0; EcoRI--3.1, 1.35, 1.3, 0.7; PstI--6.55; BamHI--3.4, 3.15; HindIII--6.2, 0.5. The insert contains the following restriction sites (bp from the 5' end): BamHI--143; BglI--712, 2262, 2493, 2854; EcoRI--1368, 2015, 2220; HindIII--3040; KpnI--2384; PstI--364; PvuII--2154, 3104. A probe derived from sequence between nt 44 and 344 detects a single genomic EcoRI fragment of approximately 4.3 kb in human placental DNA. Contains 107 bp of 5' untranslated region, the complete coding sequence and 720 bp of 3' untranslated region. Detects a single mRNA of approximately 4.0 kb in the fibroblast cell line EK4. Constructed from clones isolated from placenta and fibroblast libraries. |