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Parker RF, et al. Further studies of the infectious unit of Vaccinia. J. Exp. Med. 74: 263-281, 1941.
Vaccination recommended for laboratory staff manipulating vaccinia, monkeypox, or cowpox viruses [CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 4th ed, 1999 - stock no. 017-040-00547-4].
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This material was derived from the New York City Department of Health strain. The history as given by the original contributor, Dr. J. Earle Officer, United States Army Biological Laboratories, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland was: "Strain originally derived from Board of Health strain (BH) of New York City Board of Health. Obtained by Dr. R. F. Parker from Dr. J. E. Smadel. Many IC mouse passages made (# unknown). Received by Dr. R. L. Thompson, 1939, as infected mouse brain. Passaged approx. 50 times IC in mice. Received by Dr. F. Shabel 2 Jul 1952 as infected mouse brain. Passage 1 mouse IC and 1 egg CAM. Received by Fort Detrick 15 Nov l954. 4 egg CAM."
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